Fable: The Lost Chapters Mod Scene
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62 Search Results Found
1 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Tue, 02 February 2016 14:50 «» By: mmoxgaming
Chocolate Box, Need Help
My chocolate box still hasn't been working. I have two copies of Chocolate Box right now and different things has been happening with them, but I've gotten neither to work. I have ChocolateBox-x64.exe in both copies because I run a 64 bit system. I have th...
2 Forum: Tools Discussion «» Posted on: Fri, 19 July 2013 09:38 «» By: Chief ADFP
FE 4.1
i only have a miner error when i do this steps 1.) load a new mod in (open) 2.) save and start game 3.) error can't find splash.exe about 1min later the game starts up ok and mod loaded into it fine no trouble there only the error slash screen exe ...
3 Forum: Tools Discussion «» Posted on: Thu, 21 February 2013 07:02 «» By: dm986
Fable Explorer Freezes and Shadownet doesnt start at all
I have windows 7, 2gb ram, and intel hd graphics. so i'm not new to modding games just new to modding fable tlc. I read the modding tutorial and the windows vista/7 tutorial. First of all i've been modding games for a while now. most are pretty straight ...
4 Forum: Requests «» Posted on: Thu, 24 January 2013 11:25 «» By: dionte
FE Provlems
I added this mod to my fable explorer http://fabletlcmod.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=49290& amp;&srch and it gives me this error when i try to save and run fable. It also says it cant find splash.exe or something like that.
5 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Sun, 15 July 2012 13:36 «» By: Attack
ShadowNet not working...
Apologies if this is in the wrong section... (I'm running on Windows 7, for reference.) I bought TLC on Steam yesterday, and so I decided that I wanted to mod my game a bit (small things, you know, like getting rid of scars). I made sure that everything...
6 Forum: General Discussion «» Posted on: Tue, 05 June 2012 14:15 «» By: AmazingPat
couple questions IMPORTANT TO ME
PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!! okay lets get down to the questions there are two questions on my mind right now FableTLC pc version and Fable3 Xbox 360 version 1) I got FTLC and i was going to install it, i put in the disk, went to My computer, copied the files ...
7 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Sun, 06 May 2012 15:46 «» By: morerunes
Re: A bit of trouble
You clicked the 'ok' button, correct? It is telling you that you are running fable because the 'Save Mods and Run Fable' menu option launches Fable, you've just got to give it a second after the splash.exe error and the message pops up.
8 Forum: Work In Progress «» Posted on: Sat, 28 April 2012 19:15 «» By: Sativarg
Re: WIP - Game Hacks
D'ow! I reinstalled but forgot to remove the unpacked wad and chocolate box ings and all stuff... Trying again? New version Got it will do... UPDATE: OK... Hmmm Well I finally got the two features to work. But I had to get a No CD EXE to do...
9 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Thu, 12 April 2012 10:55 «» By: asmcint
Re: Fable Explorer need Y-help!!!
When it says cannot find splash.exe, it's nothing. Just click okay, and the game will run. If you click the x, it won't run. Cannot find splash.exe is a result of an inability for the game when ran through Fable explorer to show the splash screen. Like I s...
10 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Thu, 12 April 2012 10:17 «» By: theguild23
Fable Explorer need Y-help!!!
Ok guys so i downloaded the Fable Explorer i saw tutorial and other sh*t.I want to make Iron Longsword look like Sword of Aeons,some dude put it on youtube i followed him and when i go Save and Start Fable it says : Can't find Splash.exe,what do to guys an...
11 Forum: Requests «» Posted on: Sun, 21 August 2011 14:11 «» By: JohnDoe
Re: Remove halo/horns mod
Search our site for splash.exe and get your answer. You will find that the people here are exhausted of answering the same questions all the time, so it's appreciated when people search.
12 Forum: Objects «» Posted on: Fri, 19 August 2011 15:37 «» By: JohnDoe
Re: Archon's Platinum Battle Set
Close enough but you forget to include the error message. And if it's the splash.exe 'error' I'll be very upset.
13 Forum: Tutorials «» Posted on: Fri, 10 June 2011 12:32 «» By: asmcint
Re: [General] Vista/Windows 7 Primer
And as for the splash.exe thing, that's unimportant, just click ok and it will go away.
14 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Tue, 01 March 2011 14:57 «» By: Kaze
Fable Problem
My fable everytime i try to use a mod it says "splash.exe wasn't found" and the mod doesn't run can you tell me what to do thanks
15 Forum: Objects «» Posted on: Tue, 07 December 2010 17:00 «» By: asmcint
Re: Excalibur
Okay, that linked everything together, but now when I load fable, I get past the splash screen, then an error message comes up and says "fable.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close." It may be that I downloaded it with IE, but that's n...
16 Forum: Tutorials «» Posted on: Tue, 09 November 2010 08:12 «» By: asmcint
Re: How to make a Retexture and save it as a .big File. & How to Put .Big Files In Your FE.
I see. I simply said splash.exe thinking that he didn't pay attention to the specific file and instead came up with fable, but your answer makes sense as well.... Well whichever works. =/
17 Forum: Tutorials «» Posted on: Tue, 09 November 2010 08:06 «» By: asmcint
Re: How to make a Retexture and save it as a .big File. & How to Put .Big Files In Your FE.
The error with save mods and run fable is "Cannot find splash.exe" That is normal, just click ok and go on with it. it simply means it can't run fable's splash screen. As for getting the textures to work, the alpha setting automatically changes t...
18 Forum: Tools Discussion «» Posted on: Wed, 02 June 2010 01:03 «» By: atlos123
Re: Albion Explorer World Editor "Freezes"
I've opened FreeRoam.exe and clicked open. Then I went to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Fable - The Lost Chapters\data then double clicked levels, then clicked FinalAlbion.wad, then open. Tng and Lev (Patched) were checked, then I clicked RIP I...
19 Forum: Tools «» Posted on: Sat, 19 December 2009 02:06 «» By: JohnDoe
Re: Fable Explorer Beta 4.1
Thread locked and epically cleansed due to idiots and morons and imbeciles. This wouldn't have been necessary if you twats only knew how to read. There were only a few simple issues in the 250+ deleted posts in this thread alone, and I've collected these c...
20 Forum: Tools Discussion «» Posted on: Tue, 25 August 2009 18:31 «» By: JohnDoe
Re: HELP Fable explorer problem
Fable Master is trolling as trolls do and since you bought into it, he's a successful troll. And the splash error is not an error, it is expected and everyone will get it when launching Fable from FE unless they use a no-cd exe, but either way it does noth...
21 Forum: Tools Discussion «» Posted on: Fri, 10 July 2009 21:09 «» By: zillo130
FE problem
Well I have being using FE And Cbox for long time, and every time i try to save mods and run fable its w8s for like 10minutes and say "Cannot Find Splash.Exe" ?? Help??
22 Forum: Definitions «» Posted on: Mon, 23 March 2009 18:52 «» By: Xephonics
Re: Jack Of Blades Character Mod
Ok so I fixed my last error and did everything the guide said clicked Save mods and Run fable and I got another error. It says can't find Splash.exe and I just pressed continue. That didn't mess anything up but after that I get this error... When I click ...
23 Forum: General Discussion «» Posted on: Sat, 07 February 2009 13:32 «» By: driftking7050
Re: splash.exe??
1. dont worry about splash.exe error its not important. 2. how about you tell us what mods you used, so we have a place to start from.
24 Forum: General Discussion «» Posted on: Sat, 07 February 2009 09:09 «» By: godbandos
ok so im modding stuff on fable explorer like changing my guy into a summoner and stuff and i get this problem.i apply changes blah blah and when i try to do actions and run fable theres an error stating a "splash.exe file is missing"or something...
25 Forum: Definitions «» Posted on: Thu, 15 January 2009 23:41 «» By: JohnDoe
Re: Good JOB Rays
Yes. This is an edit in the CHeroMorphDef, so go to CREATURE_HERO>>CDefs>>CHeroMorphDef. In the left panel, expand the tree-view by clicking on the square with the + sign in it (clicking on the name itself would open the entire entry, it's big...
26 Forum: Packages «» Posted on: Fri, 28 November 2008 01:04 «» By: TekkTruard
Re: Balverine Hero Mod Release!
Okay, so I use the No Freeroam app, and bam, I have all my previous problems fixed, and the sign. But then, itting the sign gets me the stupid cutscene problem where I disappear for 5 seconds and reappear ordinary. I check the fe cutscene path, and it's in...
27 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Thu, 30 October 2008 20:20 «» By: JohnDoe
Re: A newb question.
You haven't done a good enough job of searching. The Splash.exe not found error is expected and makes no difference to anything that you do. If it bugs you, you can grab a No-CD exe (hint: Google it) and you will no longer get the splash error.
28 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Thu, 30 October 2008 18:40 «» By: absente1
Re: A newb question.
ok well i have come to find that even though for some reason it still says splash.exe not found. when i mod the game it works as i have moded it to do. but im not going to screw anything up am i.
29 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Tue, 28 October 2008 16:22 «» By: absente1
Re: A newb question.
well heres my problem, when i try to save and run fable it says splash.exe was not found. what exacly is goin wrong.
30 Forum: Tools Discussion «» Posted on: Sun, 05 October 2008 06:27 «» By: Anonymous Coward
Re: Small FE problems
i know what splash.exe is -.-' and i like the cave ..
31 Forum: Definition Editing «» Posted on: Fri, 15 August 2008 10:19 «» By: arbo93
Re: Splash.exe
Hi why is it says windows cant find splash exe when im starting fable explorer? and can some one link a web site where i can get mod's pls help me.
32 Forum: General Discussion «» Posted on: Sun, 15 June 2008 22:56 «» By: the fable jigsaw
help me fix my fable TLC game please!
something happened and now my computer seas Windows can't find "splash.exe" type correctly and try again. and the name is right. Wat's going on?
33 Forum: Definition Editing «» Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2008 11:57 «» By: JohnDoe
Re: Splash.exe
When starting Fable from FE, you will always get that error unless you have a no-cd exe, even if you have the disc in... It means nothing, it's a negligible thing, it's not an issue, it's not an error, it's expected and it's nothing wrong. You would kno...
34 Forum: Definition Editing «» Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2008 19:59 «» By: breed
when i do it it says "windows cannot find Splash.exe" can any one tell me how to fix this?
35 Forum: Requests «» Posted on: Tue, 05 February 2008 22:27 «» By: Kallale
Having Noob Problems...
Hi to anyone out there , the site seems to be declining... Am having problems getting things to work and it is starting to really bug me . I bought the game a little while ago but my computer was just below the required specs , I sobbed for a while a...
36 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Tue, 15 January 2008 05:52 «» By: JohnDoe
Re: How To Mod Fable
Would it by chance be a splash.exe error? The splash error is a known issue when launching Fable from FE. You can recompile by right-clicking any file in the top left of FE and selecting Recompile. This may take time depending on magnitude of the changes...
37 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Thu, 03 January 2008 15:00 «» By: Boondock saint
having a big problem
Ok everytime i try to load a mod or spawn a chest a message pop up saying "Unhandled exception has occured in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you lick quit the application...
38 Forum: General Mod Discussion «» Posted on: Sun, 16 December 2007 12:34 «» By: monkeylx1
??? fable explorer is being "homosexual in intent", need halp
Every time I load an FMP, it loads it up right, and I click "save mods and run fable" and it freezes up for like 15 seconds. Then it says the usual "windows cant find splash.exe" then after 3 or so seconds it says "runtime error! ...
39 Forum: General Discussion «» Posted on: Sat, 06 October 2007 14:07 «» By: Loby-man
Re: Windows cannot find "Splash.exe"
it happends to every one just press ok also please use the search button
40 Forum: General Discussion «» Posted on: Sat, 06 October 2007 14:03 «» By: purplehayze
Windows cannot find "Splash.exe"
Ok so I just installed the game and then installed fable explorer...I went to remove the scarring effects and then I went to save mods and launch fable then a screen pops up that says Windows cannot find "Splash.exe" blah blah so then my game lau...
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