First and formost, graphics: I am sorry, but the quality sucks. Besides it shouldent be that hard...right? I mean, with some model maker, all you would have to do is make the model more complex, same with the texture(and no, I am NOT going to try this, I am not good at models at all, and I dont have any model maker at this moment). And each blade of grass haveing a seporate animation, so that we can loose the patches of grass moveing at the same time, the trees where the leavs barly move, if at all! There should be more animals, food chane included, and if you kill an animal, you should get to get meat from your kill, and apples or other frut from trees or bushes, roses form rose bushes, you see where I am going with this.
Interactions: I would also like to make the people of albeon, even your enimys, interact more with you, more than "oh look, it's the grand RANGER" or whatever. Commening is fine, but lets say, if you are evil and you walked into oakvale, the different viligers would act differently. Some would run in terror, some would shun you, some might even through rocks at you! And, as Lion Head is trying to do in Fable III, make cortship harder, were you woo a girl, and yet, try as you might, she just wont have you. Pull the hart strings a little, maby even have to compose poems! (dont wory, there would be lines pre-made, all you would have to do is put them all together in a way that make sence and explanes how you feel) But even better than the people interacting more with you, have YOU interact more with the people! Yes, I mean have the hero TALK!
Shocking, I know, but have the guy have a conversation with people! But that is way too mutch to ask for, isent it
The guild is next. Ok, if the Guild is so powerful and advanced and inposible to bring doun, than why is it so.. I dont know... LAME
. Realy, the dineing room is so small, there is no way all of the aprentises could fit. And the food! Where is it?!? all the
BARtender has is alcohl and maby some meat and allpes and PIE. Pie is not healthy (for the most part) so, where is the food? And I realy dont think that only Thunder, Wisper, Brirerose, the Guild master, maze, the tramp(posibly) and your mother was able to graduate from the guild. Have more heros, atend a graduation if you want to, batle other heros in the arena AFTER you fight wisper, that sort of thing. And no wonder your hero was a skinny shrimp after he graduated, they have VARY low grade traning equipment. To practise mele, you wack around a straw dummy that dosent hit back? The guild has plenty of magic users, animate some armor, ro a sword, or even the hay dummys, I dont care, gust have it be some sort of chalenge. The ranged traning arya is ok, maby make it a little more tricky to hit the dummys, but I dont care that mutch, but maby have another with clay pidgons. That way you can REALY practice spead, hight and acuresy. Have the prise for getting an A+ be a repeater crosbow. And the will arena is OK too, maby have the dummys move or cast magic back at you and you have to doge or cast a counter spell (more about that later) but it is OK as I see it.
Spells and other abilitys: Counter spells. As some book said whoms name escapes me, for evry spell, there is a counter spell. If you are fighting a dreadwing for example, it casts its spell, before it hits you, you cast the minion couterspell, or a normal spell that happens to nutrilise it. you come in closer, cast lightning, dreadwings starts to charge the counterspell, but too late! Zap, and done. Also, I think that there should be more elemental spells, sutch as water burst (a guiser from your hands), rock smash(lift up or conjure a rock and smash it on the enimys head), vines (multi use spell: make a brige, choke enimys, decorate your home, what have you) burst of wind, tornado, whatever. Then you could have: "EPIC SPELLS!!!" Epic spells would be that if you cast sertan spels in a sertan order and time, you get an epic spell. Sutch as, if you cast tornado, rock smash and fireball, you cast rain of FIRE!!!
(a storm raining lava from the sky, caseing masive damage to multible targets) or if you cast water burst, rise undead (I know that is not the real name, but that is how I remember the somoning spell that is not goast sword) and divine fury, instead of divine fury smiteing your enimys with holy justice, it calls forth a speritual being made of water that blasts your enimys with holy/water damage and heals you and your party members, if you have any (for all you evil peole out there, yes, there would be an evil counterpart to this spell. Cast fireball, rise undead and infernal wrath, you rise a demon of fire, killing your enimys and healing your marty members by surounding them in shadow, convorting them into skorm folowers). And this last example of a epic spell shows that magic dosent have to be used for killing enimys, but helping the people: cast water burst, wind gust and tornado, you call forth a rain storm, giveing water for people to drink and if there are fam lands around, raise crops (however, if you cast lightning before casting tornado, you get a thunder storm, doing evrything that rain storm did, but also zaping enimys, or random civilians[no, you do not get evil points], or trees, makeing a forest fire). Also, I think that divine fury and infernal wrath should not be taught at an experence pedistal, but by the different churches, respectively. Maby have a wizerd outside of the chaple, what they are wareing can be different, and if you interact with him, you learn the spell, upgradeing it by donateing to the temple, being able to chuse what the donation goes to, the normal rewards, or upgradeing the spells.
Races: Albeon is full of white humans, with two black humans and a litch-like thing known as Sithe. And they call this a fantasy game. Ware are the elves, the dwarfs, whe warewolves? Ok, there are balvorines, I guess they might count as warewolves, but they never change back to human (exept once in Fable II, the woman whop turned out to be a white balvorine leading you to your doom, but I suspect that she was balvorn herself. And the heros tale game, the duke who turned out to be the white balvorine, but he had no control over his tranceformation nor did he only change under the full moon, just at night. Plus, that was a mini game, not realy part of the fable storyline so HA!
) I would like more rases in albeon, changeing the rases and faction of sertan plases and people. Like the small bandet camp you run into, with the evil demon door right next to it, tyou know ware I am talking about right? Change the bandits into wood elvs, and have the elf that demands the (now mutch lower) toal explane why, so that you dont fell obligated to kill them all to end the taror that they are causeing. I think the reason should be that they are trying to survive, as humans are rasest against them, so they need to gold to feed there familys, trade with the humans and other things that require gold. That way, the elvs have a chance to survive. Also, change the hobbe caves into the dwarven caves! The dwarfs would be frendly to you, as thay respect the humans, and trade with them often. Dont wory, the hobbs still have a home, but only in the lower reagons of the caves. You know in World of Warcraft the troggs, twisted creatures riseing up, takeing over gnome and dwarf lands? That is what the role of the hobbs are, creatures trying to take the dwarven caves for themselves. So when you first walk into the caves, a hobe charges at you, trying to kill you. Then, out of noware, the hobe stops, pause, and then falls over. An ax is in its back. A dwarf runs up and snatches the ax from the corpse."Sorry about that," the dwarf says, puting the throwing ax away, "them hobbs are quite a nusence, aie, that they are. Usually we ceep them restraned in the deeper aryas of the caves, but this litle bugga got away. Anyway, I havent introdused me'self av I? Me name is ____ and welcome to the Dwarven lands!" I am going to spead through the rest of this part, as there are other isues I want to cover, so, here we go. High elves get there own city, orks live in a desert, savana reagon, goblins live in darkwood forest, as do dark eves with there oun city, anddifferent breads of giant live all over the world.
Other lands: we need them, desperately. Samarkand posobly, anyware. Maby other races are domonent there, like eves or dwarfs, what have you. But what I would like is to replase the second fight with jack, instead of him being a dragon still on this plane of existance, have it be in his homeland: the void. The Bronse gate is not the entrance to some holding cell, but a gateway into the void. I know, now it is starting to soud like oblivion, but that would be so COOL! to enter the void, and instead of just fighting jack, you have to fight the ENTIRE COURT OF BLADES!!!
Plus their minions! Maby evan deamons! That would be just too epic. And then you could have a choise: instead of jacks mask, the Quin of blades croun. Ware it and you become lord of the void, sole ruler, as the rest of the cort is dead. Through it into lava, and the void is left without a ruler, chaos erupting inside, the monsters now uncontrolable, the only reason they are not storming across albeon is because the bronse gate is seald tight for evryone...exept you. If you take the croun, you can command armys of evil, destroying all who risist you
or, if you do not, you become prased by the people, their savure, and the people announce you king of Albeon, and, well, fable III ensues
. The choise is yours. Speaking of choises...
The disishons you make in the game now are too, well, simple. Make the good choise, good things hapen, make the evil choise and you get ritch or bad things happen. The choises should be more complicated and have more of them. This is one thing fable II got mostaly right, but I want more consiquensis for good deads and rewards for evil, and vise-versa.
Gender choise: apsolutely, that would be awsome, no dought about it. But what would be more awsome is race choise. Here it is: you are an aprintice at the guild, you are curently human. You go to maze, hopeing for some advise. Instead maze uses you as a test dummy for a new spell. The spell is supposed to change you into one of the other rases of the world. When he casts the spell, an option screan apears. There you can chose what to become, or stay human, if you so wish.
Mounts: need I say anything?
JohnDoe |
Mounts, oh good god yes, I want to ride my horse into combat.
All I have to add is this: Horse=awsome, bear=kick a$$ dragon= peoples heads will inplode by the shear awsomeness that is a dragon mount.
Shealds: Yes, yes, and yes.
Forge: That seams like a good idea... Yes, there could be different levles of forge, makeing basic weapons at a normal forge and worcking up untill you reach the god fordge, whare you can make legendaty weapons. I like it, I like it allot.
Swimming, seasons and other missolanious stuf: Swimming is a must, dont even think otherwise. I also think that you should be able to swim freely, because in fable II, you could swim, but not into open sea. I say, if you want to swim from hook coast to knothole glade to the norther waists, have at it. However, boats would be more practical. But here you could sail whare you wanted to, guideing your boat through the seas, hireing a crue or makeing a crue of your oun via complex spell. Fighting other ships or blasting krackins out of the water, dosent mater. Seasons would be cool, and I think posoble. Not shure, but I think so.
Well, I think that is it. See, I told you it was a wall of text