Nesdudes Big guide that he learned in a Week!(a week!) put into a downloadable guide by: Loby-man Now naturally this is going to be over the things that alot of people like to do with Fable Explorer. I myself like to change the augmentation effects with weapons, making things invincible and UN-invincible, messing with the ghost sword spell, all the other spells.., and the multiarrows. I will try to add on to this as I learn more and feel free to correct and/or give me more information over things I am having problems with. I will give you credit and everything. This is by no means a complete guide, I am just putting this information out there for you people to build upon, and for my fellow noobs to learn about things here, and get on to learning other things. *cough* Cracking the exe. *cough* (Yes I know it is insanely hard and tedious but just throwing that out there!) I mainly posted this because I didn't see any guides over all of this all in one spot. Like there would be a thread for assassin rush and a seperate one for fireball, etc. It's also good to keep around in case I forget how to do any of this.This guide is mainly for people new to Fable Explorer, including myself. But you might find something you didn't know. And considering I'm new to this, there is probably some things I got wrong or left out, just let me know. I AM off of school Oct 11-14, so I'll have time to work on this. But when school starts up on the 15--I have the PSAT test that week, so I'll be busy. One last thing, if you're stuck on something that I explain in this guide and you've tried for like 20 minutes and you still don't get it; tell me what you're stuck on and I'll try to break it down more. In this guide I try to make it so you can do all of this when you first get Fable Explorer. Although it is inevitable that I will learn something that is harder to explain and would help if you have used Fable Explorer for more than 10 minutes/week/month, whatever. ..and make sure you use the search function and the wiki at the top of the page to hopefully find info on things that aren't covered in this guide. UPDATE: Oct. 12-13, 2007 Added the rest of the spells that I missed. I would recommend you look at the turn coat spell. UPDATE: Oct. 13, 2007 Added fishing section. WORK IN PROGRESS Oct. 15, 2007 OK I like JUST started with switching models and making me look like JOB, switching the bard with JOB, random junk. SCREENIES pg stfightingchamp.jpg heBard.jpg heGuildmaster.jpg It's all going good, just about to try to use the customizable NPC thing and get that down. I won't be making much progress because the PSAT is the day after tomorrow. Small UPDATE: Oct. 16, 2007 Added a little more to the ghostly sword section on how to edit the effects on them. I haven't even thought about it until I read a thread of which Marcopolo said how to do it. Not hard at all. Easier than editing weapon effects. SPELLS STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW Get this stuff DOWN before you even LOOK at how to amp up your spells, don't ask questions about the spells until you've read this section. I will now go over some things that apply to all of the spells: 1. They are at the bottom of the list in game.bin, usually FE (Fable Explorer) opens this on default when you start it up. 2. They are called "SPECIAL ABILITY...bla bla" ignore the ones that say: "SPECIAL_ABILITIES_BURNT_EFFECT_DEF SPECIAL_ABILITIES_CREATURE_TINT_DEF SPECIAL_ABILITIES_DRUNKENNESS_DEF SPECIAL_ABILITIES_ELECTROCUTED_EFFECT_DEF" at least for now, I won't be using them in explaining the spells, but feel free to tell me if they have any use at all. 3. When I start an explanation over the spell I will assume that you have already opened FE, clicked the + next to the spell and picked the option that is NOT the "NULLDEF....bla bla" there are only 2 options, so just pick the other one. mustknow.jpg If there are more than 2 options then I will let you know which one to pick. 4. Some spells I don't explain little things like "Damage" "DamagePerSecond", "ArrowsPerLevel" etc. These are quite obvious, simply increase the numbers to increase the damage/arrows/radius/etc. 5. I will also assume you will click "Apply Changes" when you are done editing, and then click "Actions" and "Save Mods and Run Fable". OK now 1st spell: ASSASSIN RUSH 1. Guess I'll start with the first one which is assassin rush, and work my way down. Well at the very bottom there is one named "EEFF3CD8-DistancePerLevel" Click on that once. 2. Now you will see 5 boxes with numbers, the bottom 4 shows the distance you will go at level 1-4 using assassin rush. Changing all four boxes to 100 is usually plenty. Note you usually won't stop until you hit something, or have targeted someone and you go behind them. There is rarely such an open field that allows you to go so far. ushDistance.jpg OK spell number 2! BATTLE CHARGE 1. Click the only plus on the left, and there should be 3 that say "DistancePerLevel" "RadiusPerLevel" and "DamagePerLevel". Click on "DistancePerLevel". 2. This is the same as assassin rush, just change the bottom 4 to 100, the bigger the number the longer you go, but 100 is usually plenty. (also NOTE: I have had this thing happen to me where I Battle Charge an invincible creature, in my case a child, and the spell doesn't knock them down, so I keep circling around and around them until I have traveled the distance I set, if you set it to 100 or less, you should be ok.) 3. I haven't bothered with RadiusPerLevel yet, so let's go to DamagePerLevel. 4. The bottom four boxes will show the damage you do at levels 1-4. 1 being the top one. So change them to whatever you see fit. 3rd spell, BERSERK1. I will just explain the "Attack Speed Increase". 2. Click on it, and it shows the speed increase when you cast Berserk. Example would be 1.25 means that your speed increases by 25%. Don't set it too high, I have followed warnings from others and haven't attempted this myself, but I wouldn't put it above 2. 1.5 I hear is pretty good. 4th spell: SLOW TIME (but in Fable Explorer it is called "BULLET TIME") 1. This is also pretty straight forward, all you need to know is that the higher the number in "TimeStoppedPercentLevel1-4", the slower they are as compared to you. 2. "SecondsTimeStoppedLevel1-4" Of course this shows how many seconds you stay with time slowed down. 3. Try shooting arrows after you've made time go by slower, and you can run ahead of your arrows and junk. It's pretty cool. erthanyourarrows.jpg 5th spell, DIVINE WRATH 1. All you need to know here is "ChargeTimeperLevel", the higher the number, the more time you charge the spell. Haven't tried this myself, but it's pretty obvious. 2. "CoolDownTimePerLevel" this shows how long it takes for you to be able to press that spell button again, by default it says 1 second. But you can make it lower. Examples would be 0.5=one half of a second (you can cast it 2 times per second) 0.25=one fourth of a second (you can cast it 4 times per second). 3. As you can see I skipped the ones like "DamagePerLevel" etc. Because this is quite obvious, just make the number higher to do more damage. I will be skipping the ones like this on every spell. Now 6th Spell: DRAIN LIFE 1. You'll notice that when you click "SPECIAL_ABILITIES_DRAIN_LIFE_DEF" that there will be 4 options instead of the regular two. Click on the one that says "7357...bla bla" 2. Another straightforward spell, I will go ahead and explain the "OrbsPerLevel" All you need to know is don't set it too high or it might give you some lag issues. 7th Spell: ENFLAME 1. The only thing I haven't explained here is "Radius per Level" Now some people actually don't know what that means..but that's OK!! It means how far away your spell can affect enemies. So if you double the numbers you see here in the bottom four boxes, that will double how far away enemies will get hurt by your enflame spell. You can make the numbers as big as you want, AND NO you can't hurt a monster from across the world map! You can only kill monsters that are on you minimap in the top right corner of the screen. 8th Spell: FIREBALL 1. OK this ones tricky! INSTEAD of going to "SPECIAL ABILITIES..bla bla" look on your list for the word "SHOT" (this list is in alphabetical order in case you haven't noticed) 2. Ok so click on "SHOT" and there will be a list. Look for FIREBALL 1,2,3, and 4. 3. Now if you are level 4 in the fireball spell (which you should be, you're modding), go ahead and click "FIREBALL_4" Also if for some reason you are not level 4, you should get ahold of a trainer. They are little cheat things that give you stuff like this: 1) Infinite Cash 2) Infinite Quest Time 3) Max XP 4) Infinite HP 5) Infinite MP 6) Max Good 7) Alignment Neutral 8 ) Max Evil 9) Set Stats: Max/Min 10) Bypass Spell Requirements 11) Max/Min Renown 12) Max Attractiveness 13) Minimise Scariness 14) Max Scariness 15) Crimes Unseen 16) Infinite Card Game time 17) Easy Courtship 18) One hit kill 19) Set age at 18, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or 65. 20) Freeze time: Current time, 12am, 6am, 12pm, 6pm. 21) Set Weight 22) Remove Weapon Augmentations 23) Freeze items 24) Flourish Always Active This is a Trainer +24 ^ You can probably search for one (search is on the top of the screen) If you can't find them then you can probably google them. Type in things like Fable Trainer +10 or +24 etc. O Yea and if you get one, THEY ARE NOT A TROJAN/VIRUS/KEYLOGGER or anything!! LOOK HERE: ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;amp ;start=0& 4. Ok so you clicked on FIREBALL_4. I will go over "Speed" first. This obviously shows how fast your fireball is going when you cast it. Simply increase the number to make it faster. 5. And "Minimum Damage" Increase the number to increase the damage. NOTE: I am currently looking for a way for the fireball spell to not have any charge time, if you know how to do this, please tell me and I will put it up here along with your name for credit. 9th Spell: FORCE PUSH aaa...this is a fun spell. 1. "RadiusPerLevel" Increasing the numbers here will make it so you can hit enemies with this spell from farther away. Once again the bottom four boxes are the levels 1 being the top one and working down to 4. 2. "KnockBackSpeed" Increasing this will make your enemies get blasted away faster. 3. "CoolDownTimePerLevel" This controls how long it takes before it lets you hit the spell button again. Making it 0.5 for example, makes it so you can cast the spell 2 times per second. 0.25, 4 times. etc. Mine is set at 0.1. 4. I like this spell because you can blast your enemies above buildings! It's fun using your modded slow time to watch your enemies fall in slow motion. ALSO, sometimes, when you blast your enemies up, when they come back down..they land head first...and all you can see is their feet sticking out of the ground! isawesome.jpg 10th Spell: GHOST SWORD I had some fun with this one too. Everything here is pretty straightforward, but I will go ahead and tell you how to change the ghost sword into a different creature: 1. On the main list, look for "CREATURE" and click the +. 2. Find the creature you want to use in place of the ghost sword. The only one I can assure you will work is "CREATURE_ASSASSIN" as it is the only one I've used and it works quite well. Double click your selection. 3. Click "Export" and choose a spot to export it to. It doesn't matter where you put it or what you call it, I usually put it on my desktop. 4. Now back to under "CREATURE" find the one named "GHOSTLY_SWORD" It is number 1591. Double click it. 5. Import the creature you chose from where you exported it to. 6. Now back in the "GHOSTLY_SWORD" window, click "CREATURE" and scroll down and find one called: "PBrain" 7. Click on it once, and change the number to 534. That's it, apply changes, etc. I ALSO figured out how to give my assassins a weapon! HOW TO GIVE YOUR CREATURE A WEAPON 1. Go to your GHOSTLY_SWORD entry number 1591. (Under "CREATURE") 2. Click on "CREATURE" once, not the + 3. Now after you click it, a bunch of info will come up on the right. Scroll down to the very bottom. And work your way back up eyeing the entries until you see something like "Weapon 1" then a number in a box. Ignore "Weapon 2" 4. Ok so below where it shows "Weapon 1" I think if I remember right it said that the assassins weapon was CRYSTAL_KATANA. Well if you want to put in a weapon and you don't know what number it is, then go to the big list on the westernmost side of your screen, and look for OBJECT. 5. Now click the plus next to it and it will show a whole mess of things. The weapons are usually near the bottom, and the custom made ones that either you made or ones you have downloaded, are near the top. You'll probably notice that MASTER weapons have been named CRYSTAL weapons in this list. And EBONY means OBSIDIAN, unless you're dealing with bows. Some other things that have been renamed: OBJECT_SWORD_OF_AEONS_GOOD_01 is Avo's Tear LEGENDARY_BROADSWORD is the Solus Greatsword LEGENDARY_BROADSWORD_02 is the Bereaver The rest of the legendary weapons should be easy to figure out. The number to the left of the weapon is what you need. I chose a 1 handed weapon for my assassin, as that is what they usually use. What you do is take the number to left of the weapon name: EXAMPLE: -->5523<-- OBJECT_LEGENDARY_BROADSWORD so put that number in the Weapon 1 box. snumbertowhateveryouwant.jpg To make a 2 handed weapon 1 handed, along with renaming the weapon, adding augmentation slots, making a new description, and increasing damage, read this guide which I found using the search function (get used to using it) While I'm at it I'll give you a link on how to change scariness, attractiveness, and the alignment of armor: ess-lignment-modifier-4234/ And one on how to improve your armor rating: 4/ I gave my assassins my 1 handed solus greatsword (5523), (which I renamed as Nesdude's Greatsword mwahaha). (apply changes) NOW when you summon your creatures, they will ALL be using your sword! The sword (if you modded it) will STILL have all the effects you put on it, damage, everything! sassins.jpg But sometimes the effects don't appear, I don't know why. I unfortunately can't assure you this will work, I have never attempted to GIVE an assassin a two-handed weapon or tested this with any other creature for that matter! BUT if you try this with a creature that normally weilds a 1 hander, and you GIVE them a 1 handed weapon, I don't see why it wouldn't work. HOW TO EDIT GHOSTLY SWORD EFFECTS You know the ghostly sword effects that appear under your creature when you summon it? The little line of white fuzz: ordeffects-1.jpg Well even if you don't care if it's there you can still replace that effect with other cool effects. So nooow I will explain how to edit those effects to not appear at all, or if you want have it so when you cast the spell, your soldiers appear on the battlefield in a burst of flames! 1. OK open the + next to special abilities ghost sword thing near the bottom, and click the one that is not the NULLDEF. 2. Click SPECIAL_ABILITIES_GHOST_SWORD_DEF once, not the +. 3. Now on the right their is a blue link, it is the VERY FIRST/TOP link there. Called Links to (GameBINEntryID). 4. Click CSpecialEffectsDef not the +. 5. Now you should see on the right: dEffectediting.jpg Now you edit the numbers in the red boxes in the screenshot, if the screeny isn't showing, the number you need to change is next to: CSpecialEffectsDefLink. 6. You can find the ID numbers for effects in effects.big, in the top left corner of Fable Explorer. Just double click on any effect there to see its ID number. 7. If you want to have no effects at all then put in this effect I use for such cases: 812 GUI_TELEPORT_SPARKLE. Put it in all 4 effect slots. These are the effects I use for my Assassins being summoned: 748 ORB_FIRE_01 447 ENFLAME_SMALLER 448 ENFLAME_COLUMN 812 GUI_TELEPORT_SPARKLE It makes it so they come out in a brief burst of flames, with a little sound effect with it. I know there's better effect combinations out there though. OK now how can I possibly have more stuff on the ghost swords?! Well I do! HOW TO MAKE YOUR GHOST SWORDS INVINCIBLE (even YOU can't kill them) AND not be pushed back by MOST attacks! 1. Go to GHOSTLY_SWORD entry number 1591. 2. Click the + next to CREATURE 3. Go to the one that says "IsVulnerabletoMelee" and change the number to 0. 4. Then go to "Damageable" again, change it to 0. 5. Then go to "ImmuneToAttack" change that to 1. 6. Then go to "IsIndestructible" and change that to 1. 7. Then go to "IsPushedByExplosions" and change that to 0. (Apply Changes etc.) Now nothing can knock your creatures down! Force Push CAN still push them back, but they will not fall down. If you know how to make it so Force Push doesn't push them back, let me know, and I'll put it in here and give you credit. I don't know if doing ALL 3 of steps 4,5, and 6 is needed, but I changed those numbers anyway, can't hurt. You can probably make any creature indestructible this way. Now if you want something to die, that doesn't normally die, like let's say...children.......we would find the children in CREATURES, I think numbers 1644 and 1645, and we would do this: Change "IsVulnerableToMelee" to 1 Change "Damageable" to 1 Change "ImmuneToAttack" to 0 Change "IsIndestructible" to 0 Change "IsInvulnerableDuringGenericResponse" to 0 The same thing applies to every creature. As you can see 1 means yes and 0 means no, at least in this case. I have yet to find the creature number for the man standing next to the Demon Door in Barrow Fields. He is really annoying. And he won't die. If anyone knows which number he is..let me know so I can get rid of him... AND we're done with the ghost swords! FINALLY. 11th Spell: HEAL LIFE 1. There is an unknown called F834DA2D, I THINK that one controls how much the spell heals, although that is unconfirmed. 2. RadiusPerLevel, if you increase the number, you can heal people from farther away. 12th Spell: LIGHTNING 1. The only thing I have to explain here is "LightningTendrilsPerPerson". Tendrils, if you don't know already, are lightning bolts. So you can increase the numbers to 2 and make it so 2 lightning bolts hurt 1 person. 13th Spell: MULTI ARROW OK I this was another spell I fiddled around with more than the others. 1. The first four unknowns you see control the orbs that float around you when you cast multi-arrow. Now as you can probably already see, you can change the number of arrows that you can shoot per level. oremulti-arrows.jpg Well, I usually set the number of arrows I can shoot to 50-200, and you'll see why not 10,000+. 2. OK for example let's say that you decide you're going to make 100 arrows come out at level 4. You apply changes, start up fable and what the..!? You only have 1 orb floating around you when you cast the spell! (What happened to me) So what you do is go to those 1st 4 unknowns I was telling you about. Change all 4 of them to about 5,000, but you can make them anything you want. Now what this does is this 5,000/100arrows=50 SO that means you can cast 50 multiarrows! Now this causes little lag, at least for me, so I wouldn't advise you to make the number 1,000,000 instead of 5,000 , because then you would have 20,000 little orbs going around you! These orbs also kind of "drain" your effects that you put on your sword, if you use too many orbs anyway. It also "drains" the effects of your spells, like you can hear the fireball charging, and it hurts guards, but you can't see it. Now don't worry, the effects will come back when you run out of orbs, usually when you have about 20 orbs left the effects come back. At least for me. Probably depends on your computer. I myself use 50 multiarrows with 2000 in each of the 1st 4 unknowns. So that's 2000/50=40. So that is 40 uses of the multiarrow spell before you have to cast it again! arrowsabilliontimes.jpg O yea. OTHER cool things you can do with your multiarrows 1. OK time to go back to that big westernmost list on the left side of your screen. Look for something called "CThingMultiArrowShotDef", click the +, and choose the one that says "14657...bla bla" NOT the NULLDEF one. 2. Now here you can change the "Arc" among other things. If you make the number really small, the arrows will stay close together when you fire. If you make the number really big, the arrows will spread farther apart when you fire. 3. There is an unknown called "FA626DF" by default the number is set to 45, the higher the number, the more together they are. Lower numbers tend to make arrows go like this: <--- <--- (this just doesn't seem to focus on any targets) <--- Rather than like this: / <--- (notice they are all focused on one target) \ Messing with the rest of the unknowns here tends to alter the path of your arrows after they hit the target. One time I made the arrows go backwards before they even hit the target! Don't remember how. haha 4. There's one called "Weapon Trail Sprite Used" this one pretty much changes the color of the trail of the multiarrow. You can find the numbers for these in textures.big, just double click it in the top-left corner of FE, then click GBANK_MAIN_PC, and scroll down till you see stuff starting with SPRITE...I haven't done much in this, the ones that mostly work are the ones with SPRITE at the beginning, but feel free to test out everything else. And tell me if you find something interesting! O and you'll notice the numbers aren't on the side for some stupid reason. If you want to see the ID number of it, double-click it. Alot of the ones you click on show a small example of what it looks like. 5. OK back to "Trail Effect" in CThingMultiArrowShotDef. This is pretty much the same as "Weapon Trail Sprite Used" Except the effects for it are in effects.big, which you can get to by double-clicking it in the top left corner of FE. I haven't had much luck with "Trail Effect" Nothing too interesting. So onto the interesting part! 6. "Shot Effect" This is the cool part. The effects you need for this are also stored in effects.big. t.jpg You can't use as many effects on multiarrows as you can weapons, but I'll list some of my favorites: LIGHTHOUSE FIRE=727 After your arrows hit the ground they will burst into flames, burning for a while, but if you turn around to the point when they are not on your screen, they will disappear. The burning arrow effect only works for about 45 arrows, then when those arrows burn out then you can set afire another 45. Might depend on how good your computer is. sedThis.jpg DRAGON FIRE01B=709 What this does is make pillars of fire come out from the BOTTOM of your arrows, so it's best shot at the ceiling. They don't go away until you leave the area, but only causes a little lag. efromtheceiling.jpg Now the reason I don't have many favorites is because I soon figured out how to add effects onto weapons, which is much more interesting, and haven't tested anymore effects on multiarrows since. 14th Spell: MULTI STRIKE 1. OK this one's pretty easy, "HitsPerLevel" Just increase the number to increase how many hits you can do with this spell. 15th Spell: PHYSICAL SHIELD I haven't got into this spell mainly because I can upgrade my mana augmentation so that I have infinite mana, thus this spell lasting forever. How to upgrade augmentations is farther down this guide, just use ctrl+f. If I ever get into upgrading this spell, I will update this section. 16th Spell: SUMMON 1. OK "SecondPerLevel" just increase the numbers to increase how long your summon stays out. 2. "FadeInTime" and "FadeOutTime" represent how long it takes for your summon to materialise/de-materialise. There is an FMP out right now that allows you to have any of the 3 trolls as a summon, just use the search function at the top of the page. nBowerstone.jpg 17th Spell: TURNCOAT 1. Ok for the 1st 4 unknowns, increase the numbers to 900+. 2. And for the last unknown, change all of them to 0.1. NOW you can take control of people from faaar away and can stay in control of them for a looooong time. AWESOME PART: HOW TO CONTROL VILLAGERS, CHILDREN, FIST FIGHTERS GANG, AND PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING THAT CAN HAVE A RED AURA AROUND IT (as in you can only control creatures that are your enemy, if you want to be an enemy with the villagers etc. then break a law and refuse to pay the fee.) 1. Go to game.bin--> and click the + next to CTurncoatDef 2. Now you should see a whole bunch of things along the lines of a bunch of numbers in front of (CTurncoatDef) I'm pretty sure this is the list of things that can be controlled/not controlled by your Turn Coat spell. 3. After looking at it, and previous history of me knowing the fact that sometimes 1 means yes and 0 means no, I figured out what to do. Not complicated at all really. Simply double-click every entry between 10173-9997, one at a time. (except for the NULLDEF one) Now for every single one but the NULLDEF, change the 1st unknown to 1. If they already have the number 1 there, then skip it and go to the next one. Now once all of them have the number 1 in the first unknown, then you should be able to control everyone with the Turn Coat spell! htersgang.jpg OK some side notes about this: 1. the children won't fight eachother. lingchildren.jpg 2. If you control the owner of a bar, then the owner will consider everyone that's NOT controlled an enemy, and set off the alarm! 3. The guards will still say stuff like "Put that weapon away!" etc. 4. Villagers WILL fight eachother (see pic) but if there is no enemy for them, then they will simply be scared because you're evil and stuff. g 5. I have had this VERY WEIRD case: I slaughtered everyone in Bowerstone like 3 times. Then I controlled them, came back, and they were all like "Waaaahooo!! You're awesome!!" it is reaaally weird because I am 100% evil on that file, and the guards are like "Enjoy yourself, wontcha?" It isn't like this with any other town. It could be because I controlled them, it could be I killed everyone in bowerstone on some other file and I am just losing it. But one thing that is certain: I am 100% evil and they love me!! 18th Spell: UNHOLY POWER 1. This one's easy, everything you need to know is labeled. I would say go ahead and double the radius, increase the damage, and make the cool down time like 0.1 HOW TO ADD EFFECTS ONTO WEAPONS!!!!!! 1. Find the weapon you want to add an effect to. (in game.bin-->objects-->custom made weapons you downloaded or made yourself are usually at the top, others at the bottom) 2. Now give that weapon an augmentation of some sort by going to: YOUR WEAPON HERE-->click OBJECT not the plus-->on the right find "CObjectAugmentationsDef"-->click the blue link under that called "Links to (GameBINEntryID) : -->click the + next to CObjectAugmentationsDef-->click the 3rd unknown called "3F038D31" mentations.jpg OK now you'll see all of your augmentations on that weapon, if you want to add one, click the "Add" button. Now a box will show up, and next to the thing that says (int)Predefined Augmentation, there is a box for you to type in. That is where you put in the ID number for the augmentation you want on it. The ID numbers for all of the augmentations are as follows: 2877 - Sharpening Augmentation 2878 - Piercing Augmentation 2879 - Silver Augmentation 2880 - Fire Augmentation 2882 - Lightning Augmentation 2883 - Experience Augmentation 2884 - Health Augmentation 2885 - Mana Augmentation You can find these for yourself under the OBJECTS list in the list on the westernmost side of your screen. Ignore the ones that say Bandit Slayer and Hobbe Killer Augmentation. They aren't anything special, they just didn't put them into the game. OK from here go to the left and click the 1st unknown on the list 3. NOW you'll see about lesseee...10 big boxes, each representing an augmentation, except 2 of them. It'll be easy to tell which is which because they say things like "AUGMENT SHARP WISP" etc. I would write down each number you see in each box. Like let's say Box2, which is the sharp augmentation, we'd write down: Box2: 783, 791 Another example: Box 4, which is the fire augmentation, we'd write down: Box4: 778, 786, 784, 794. Now I would write these down for each box, just to save time looking for those effects when you decide you want to change the effects back to normal. 4. OK now you'll notice each box has 4 (int)unknowns, ignore everything else, unless you know what you're doing. Because I don't know what anything else does. If you know, tell me ok?! So the 1st 2 (int) unknows represent what effect will go while your sword is put away, and taken out. The 3rd and 4th (int) unknowns represent the effect that will play while you swing your sword. ects.jpg You have to have an augmentation for the effects to work, like lets say you had an experience augmentation on, you would edit the 10th box, which is the experience augmentation box. If you edit another box, like the fire one, then the effect wouldn't work until you equipped a fire augmentation. ALSO don't make all of the (int) unknowns 0, (except for the 1st box, don't mess with the 1st box)when you make all of the (int) unknowns 0 for any augmentation, your game will crash, I haven't lost any data this way, but it could happen. If you don't want anything to show as an effect, but still want to use that augmentation, then assign an effect that doesn't work, like GUI_TELEPORT_SPARKLE (812) This effect hasn't done anything for me. OR I just haven't gotten how to make it work. WELL now I've told you all the precautions and junk, now how to add an effect on! 5.Go to Effects.big-->PARTICLE_MAIN_PC-->and double click an effect to see it's ID number, then put the number in one of the 4 (int) unknowns IN one of the augmentations you have equipped. Let's say you have a fire aug. equipped. You'd go to the 4th box. Then change any 4 of the (int) unknowns, but make sure you leave an effect of some sort in slot 1. Let's say I want STANDARDBRAZIERFIRE (468) as an effect that stays on my sword when its put away and when it's out. So I'd put the number in Slot 1 or 2. Then let's say I want ORB FIRE01 (748) to come out of my sword when I swing, so I'd put it in slot 3 or 4. ects2.jpg You can experiment with this, like put all the same effects, etc. Some combinations will have the effect trail behind you. Some effects just aren't meant to be on moving objects. SOME effects can crash your game, I've only had this happen to me once, so I changed the effect to something else, and it worked fine.Now for some quick review. If you have a mana aug on, edit the mana aug, for if you edit any other aug you DON'T have equipped, it won't do anything UNTIL you equip that certain aug. If you have 2 augs on, and you only edit one of them, the effects will cycle back and forth instead of it remaining as a constant effect. So edit ALL of the augs you have on. So just experiment with different effects and different combinations to get that perfect sword. And if you have a good combination that you like, post a pic and say what effects you put on it. OK now to list off some good effects I found: SEPTIMAL KEY=613 FIREHEART PULSE=1141 This makes your sword pulsate with a sunset-colored aura. Everytime you take out, put away, or swing your sword, it will make a heartbeat sound. SWORD OF EONS SUMMON=1023 This makes your sword grow a ghostly-frostish blade, like an extension. Best seen standing still, with your blade out. If you run with it, it will make little white glows follow you. Also best used with a hero of a good alignment. nsSummoneffect.jpg FOCAL SITE ACTIVE IVY BURN01=958 This makes 2 rings of fire surround you! Perfect for that evil character that hates dark places! ActiveIvyBurn01effect.jpg DRAGON FIRE01=1124 Makes dragonfire come out of your sword! Except it comes out at the bottom...If anyone knows how to fix this, please tell me ok?! I'll give you credit.. efromtheceiling.jpg DG SOUL TRAPPED=1092 This makes the tip of your sword have this ghostly aura around it, also has a little ghost going around and around your sword. Comes with ghostly sound effects. ppedEffect.jpg STANDARDBRAZIERFIRE=468 Makes fire come out of your sword, brightens up the place, and even comes with its own black smoke! razierFireEffect.jpg STANDARDBRAZIERFIREORIGINAL=467 Same as the other 2, but the flame tends to drag along more, like when you run, it creates a trail of fire. razierFireOriginalEffect.jpg KRAKEN BEAM LARGE01=939 Makes that giant kraken laser come out of your sword!!...Except at the bottom..Pretty much a blinding giant laser. If you put it away then it will shoot up into the sky. mLarge01Effect.jpg WILLBODYFIREFULL=90 Makes a light blue cloud around the tip of your sword, and it has little lightning bolts going around occassionally. There also is this white line that circles around your sword and trails along as you walk. ireFullEffect.jpg SLOWTIME START=258 Makes multiple light-grey spheres come out of your sword, along with a mystical white trail that follows you. tartEffect.jpg GHOST SWORD BUILDUP=656 Makes a mystical blue aura appear around your sword dBuildupEffect.jpg ENFLAME SMALLER=447 Makes fire come out of your sword every 2 seconds. When you swing your sword it sounds as if it is cutting through the air! Also when swinging your sword, fire comes out constantly. Comes with sound effects. Works well when put in all 4 slots. allerEffect.jpg JACK OF BLADES LIGHT SWORD BUILD UP01=283 This makes the tip of your sword shine with a bright aura, best used with 2 slots, unless you like being reeeaaaallly bright. desLightSwordBuildup01Effe.jpg CANDLE FLAME TRIO=314 This makes 3 flames the size of a candle appear above your sword. Also if you have 4 slots on, it will have 3 candle flames wherever you swang your sword. meTrioEffect.jpg FOUNTAIN POSH02=473 Makes it look like you have the water that is supposed to be in the fountain, around at the tip of your sword. osh02Effect.jpg WB TELEPORT=998 Makes a hot pink teleport effect around your sword, also trails behind you when you run. (Does not actually teleport you) tEffect.jpg MAZE HERO TELEPORT=898 This makes a misty light blue teleport effect that appears every few seconds.Also comes with leaves. (Does not actually teleport you) eleportEffect.jpg HERO WILL SHIELD=117 This has the cotton candy like effect if you use all 4 slots hieldEffectwith4slots.jpg NOTE: None of these effects hurt anybody, but they can cause some lag. OK now for some random bits of information. In game.bin-->objects You'll see on numbers 5531, 5534, 5537, 5540, and 5543, they are Pumpcrossbows. They are fully functional, they just left them out of the game. Same goes for alot of other items. If you want to know how to get them, search for a guide on how to edit the contents of a chest and put them in there. To increase the speed of your arrows, go to game.bin-->SHOT-->and find the bow you are using, like I am using Skorms Bow so I would pick out SHOT_ARROW_SINGLE_LEGENDARY and change the speed from there, you can also edit the damage here too. HOW TO EDIT YOUR HAND EFFECTS You know the glowing hands effect you get when you have high leveled magic? Well you can change the effects of those. Go to FE-->game.bin-->CHeroMorphDef-->10535 bla bla--> 718A793D-->on the right find: "WILL HANDS MIN" and "WILL HANDS MAX". There are two sets of these, one for the left hand and one for the right hand. You can go to effects.bin and pick an effect out to change it to. The one in the picture is 1124. g How to improve your augmentations: 1.Go to game.bin-->OBJECT-->then numbers 2880-2886 are your augmentations. Ignore the bandit slayer and hobbe killer ones. 2.Ok first I'll go over the health aug. So double click it. 3.Click OBJECT not the +, and on your right find CAugmentationDef. Now click the blue link under it called: "Links to (GameBINEntryID)". 4.Now click the + next to CAugmentationsDef, and click on Health regeneration rate. Change it to 0.5 or so. 5.Now back on the left click health update, and change it to 3000+. Now your health will regenerate instantly after you get hurt, if you have a health aug on anyways. The mana augmentation works the same way as the health one, so just use the same instructions. FISHING SECTION HOW TO CATCH FISH INSTANTLY Go to: CFishingDef and double-click on "10514 bla bla.." not the NULLDEF one Change 281C7720 to 0 Change 71210A4C to 0 Change B8048618 to -5000 NOW go to: CFishingRodDef Double click the 12878, 12885, 13383 ones, and change every 3rd unknown on each one to 5000. Now after you do all of this, all you have to do is click once and you got the fish! Took me a buttload of time to figure all of this out! HOW TO EDIT TREASURE IN FISHING SPOTS 1. First you have to have installed the FreeRoam App and get it working and everything. Here's a link to the download: 2.Now go My Computer-->Local Disk (C:)-->Program Files-->Microsoft Games-->Fable - The Lost Chapters-->data-->Levels and open the FinalAlbion folder. Now in there you'll see a BUTTLOAD of stuff. What we're looking for here is your fishing spot that you want edited. Well the fishing spot I want edited is in Barrow Fields, so I would find Barrow Fields and double click it. shingSpots.jpg Then scroll down and find the part that shows what treasures the fishing spot has, in my case it says: ContainerContents[0] "OBJECT_MOONFISH"; If I want to add on things I want I would add onto it like this ContainerContents[1] "OBJECT_HERO_HAT_WIZARD"; ContainerContents[2] "OBJECT_HERO_HAT_FISHERMAN"; ContainerContents[3] "OBJECT_LUTE"; ContainerContents[4] "OBJECT_FRYING_PAN"; ContainerContents[5] "OBJECT_LEGENDARY_PUMPCROSSBOW"; ContainerContents[6] "OBJECT_SWORD_OF_AEONS"; ContainerContents[7] "OBJECT_LEGENDARY_BROADSWORD_02"; You can put as many things as you want. You can find the names under OBJECT. Now we need to change the UID, so you change whatever numbers are in these 4 slots to any random 4 numbers. UID 184467####4686299251 UID.jpg After you've done this, go to File-->Save , load up Fable, and go fish it up! utofthelake.jpg This is pretty much exactly the same way you edit the contents of chests, you can find a guide on it by searching. Some questions that I would like answered: How to make the fireball/arrow pulling back, have no charge time How to make it so the black guards can't take down my physical shield when they hit me. The orange guards in Snowspire do the same thing. For now I just gave them the "STAND_AROUND_LIKE_A_MORON" brain.