===== Game Save Specification ===== ==== Header ==== 12byte File ID (Always= FableSave!..) \\ 4 Bytes - Offset to CRC (File is CRC'd from 0x0 until offset (Custom 32bit 1s Complement) \\ 4 Bytes - Chunk 1 Decompressed size \\ 4 Bytes - Chunk 2 Decompressed size \\ ==== Chunk 1 ==== 4 Bytes - Chunk 1 Compressed Size \\ Zlib compression of Chunk 1 (78 DA) (Best Compression Option) \\ === Header === 7 Bytes = HEADER (NULL Terminated)\\ 4 Bytes = Chunk Size (minus 7 byte header) \\ From here on out everything is passed by CRC values of Strings (see above). Xbox is only 1 byte while PC contains 4 (PC below!) === Control Bytes === CRC Bytes Value 224FDEA8 (String) World Name (Usually FinalAlbion) (Null Terminated) A0CA0F5B 4 World Frame A7E624D3 1 Boolean (Teleporting Enabled) 20627570 1 Boolean (Saving Enabled) D2AB286A 1 Boolean (Expirience Spending Enabled) 50596E3F 1 Boolean (Creature Generators Enabled) 7A109958 4 Creature Generation on Disabled Groups B2DD2D45 1 Boolean (Hero Sleeping Enabled) A4E20924 1 Boolean (Map Table Show Quest Cards) B695FB1B 1 Boolean (Mini Map Enabled) 481D7C4C 1 Boolean (Mini Map active before Disabled) 500F26AD 1 Boolean (Guild Master Messages Enabled) 2C8B8182 1 Boolean (Summoner Death Effects Hero) 0FA53138 4 Int32 (Most Recent Save Type) BD12926C 4 Int32 (Most Recent Save Type Before Manual Save) DBA8729A (String) String (Most Recent Manual Save Name) (Null Terminated, Unicode ends with 00 00) 04649280 4 Float (Save game marker position X) (view FinalAlbion.wld for all coordinates) 4 Float (Save game marker position Y) 4 Float (Save game marker position Z) F295DFAE 4 Float (Save Game Marker Angle X/Y) 373CB734 4 Float (Guild Seal Recall Position X) 4 Float (Guild Seal Recall Position Y) 4 Float (Guild Seal Recall Position Z) C71A110A 4 Float (Guild Seal Recall Marker Angle X/Y) 0DF39CFD (String) String (Current Region Name) (Null Terminated) 50506DEB (String) String (Current Mini Map Name) (Null Terminated) 40242445 4 Int32 (Total Time Played) ==== Chunk 2 ==== 4 Bytes - Chunk 2 Compressed Size === Decompressed Header === CRC Bytes Value 67E8E2EE 4 Time (Float, Normalized Time of Day. 0-1.) AD9E35E8 4 TimeStep (Float) 344B012E 4 DayCount (Integer) **ENTITIES Header** [9] Bytes - ENTITIES (Null terminated) [4] Bytes - Size of ENTITIES Chunk [4] Byte - NULL (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) [4] Bytes - Always (02 00 00 00) [4] Bytes - NULL (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) [4] Bytes - Last Generated ID? (Integer) [4] Bytes - NULL **SAVED_ENTITIES Header** [15] Bytes - SAVED_ENTITIES (Null terminated) [4] Bytes - Offset to SAVED_ENTITIES [4] Bytes - NULL (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) [4] Bytes - Last Map ID Read (Integer) [4] Bytes - NULL (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) == SAVED_ENTITIES Compressed == //The saved entities for each map are compressed using a weaker form of zlib And are preceded by 8 bytes NULL (5 for Xbox) for each map, if the map doesn't have anything saved then the header isn't present either (it will still pass Null Bytes per map until the next is found) (Blank Tngs create entries but there is no data present). The maps go in order based on the FinalAlbion.wld// 4 Bytes - Total Block Size 4 Bytes - Null (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) 4 Bytes - MapUid (From FinalAlbion.wld) 4 Bytes - Null (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) 4 Bytes - Compressed Size 4 Bytes - Null (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) 4 Bytes - Decompressed Size Zlib Begins After all maps are cycled a Table Begins. \\ 4 Bytes - Number of Entries Each Entry is 20 bytes Long (PC) and 14 bytes on (Xbox) 4 Bytes - Null (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) 4 Bytes - Last Generated ID in file? 4 Bytes - Null (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) 4 Bytes - Map UID (From FinalAlbion.wld) 4 Bytes - Null (1 Byte Null on XBOX!) 4 Bytes - CRC String of what Quest Section it relates to == SAVED_ENTITIES Decompressed == Header [4] bytes - Number Quest Sections [char] - Quest Section String (Null terminated) [4] bytes - Quest Section Size **Entities** [4] bytes - Entity Size [char] - Entity Type String (Null Terminated) [1] bytes - NULL [4] bytes - Entity Type [1] bytes - NULL [4] bytes - Entity UID [1] bytes - NULL [char] - Entity Enum string (Null Terminated) [4] bytes - Header Size (Base Properties) ~Base Properties of the Entity ~ Everything is passed by CRC String Values (Relative to Object, Creature similar to Bin Files) ~Followed by Default CTC commands (Unless overridden in level script) ===Misc Notes=== Saved Npc's section (Not Compressed) 16 Bytes - SAVED_NPC_NAMES (Null Terminated) 4 Byte - Block Size Then Begins NPC names: 8 bytes (64 bit) - NPC UID 4 bytes - Always 0A000000? seems byte size of "UNATTACHED" 10 Bytes - "UNATTACHED"? ~Unicode text string. Null Terminated Unicode (00 00) Then Player information begins: 7 Bytes - "PLAYER" (Null Terminated) 4 Bytes - Size of PLAYER 4 Bytes - 27C8AD96 (CRC String = PlayerCharacterUID) 8 Bytes - Player UID (Quad) ~Current Map String (Null Terminated) Quest Section Begins (lzo1x_999 compressed, view as txt) 7 Bytes - "QUESTS" (NULL terminated) 4 Bytes - Block Size 4 Bytes - Decompressed Size 2 Byte - Compressed size ~lzo compression Next is REGIONS (Not Compressed) 8 Bytes - "REGIONS" (NULL Terminated) 4 Bytes - Block Size 4 Bytes - Null 4 Bytes - Number of sections (or regions) ~ Regions begin Ascii text followed by a couple 00 01 patterns Next is FACTIONS (lzo1x_999 compressed) 9 Bytes - "FACTIONS" (NULL Terminated) 4 Bytes - Compressed Block Size 4 Bytes - C3450E4F (CRC String = NumberOfFactions) 4 Bytes - Number of Files 4 Bytes - D1F50398 (CRC String Unknown) Each file is individually lzo'd compressed 4 Bytes - decompressed size 2 Bytes - compressed size