Table of Contents


All Offsets in .Lut files do not count 44 byte header.

[27] Bytes - Header (LiOnHeAdLHAudioBankCompData)
[13] Bytes - Null
[4] Bytes - Offset to Audio Bank Lookup Table

Audio Bank Lookup Table

[22] Bytes - Header (LHAudioBankLookupTable)
[10] Bytes - Null
[4] Bytes - Number of Bytes left in Table (size)
[4] Bytes - File Type (1000 for main, 500 for secondary)
[4] Bytes - Number of Files

Table loop

Each Entry takes up 12 Bytes. Loop until number of files is met.

[4] Bytes - File ID
[4] Bytes - Chunk Size (All .Lut entries contain 36 Byte Header)
[4] Bytes - Offset (Remember initial 44 byte header is not counted)