Usable 	                BOOL 	
ReversedOnMiniMap 	BOOL 	
HiddenOnMiniMap 	BOOL 	
VersionNumber 	        INTEGER 	
ForceConfirmation 	BOOL            *NOTE* Setting this to true will make you have to confirm a teleport
TeleportToRegionEntrance 	BOOL 	*NOTE* Setting this to true will cause this to teleport
EntranceConnectedToUID 	UID 	        *NOTE* UID of object or Region to Teleport to.
CameraTrackUID 	        UID 	
SoundName 	        ENUM 	        *NOTE* Left blank in base scripts 	
AnimationName 	        ENUM 	        *NOTE* Left blank in base scripts 	
ReplacementObject 	INTEGER 	

This command has to use CreateTC to be usable. CreateTC CTCActionUseScriptedHook;