Big Blue Box Mesh Format
3D Mesh File
(File Size of all Chunks)
Material List (File Size of All MTRL Chunks)
Material Description
Extended Material Properties
Mapping Info
Transformation Matrix
Triangle List
Smoothing Groups
Vertex List
Unique Vertex Information
Vertex Group
Helper Point
Dummy Object
Convex Volume
//char NullTerminatedString[x]; byte SkeletonPresent; float floats[10]; //Model Origin?? Listed in .big Sub-header... word HPNT_Count; word HDMY_Count; dword HLPR_Index_Uncompressed; word padding; word HPNT_Compressed;
Helper Points[HPNT_Count];
word HDMY_Compressed;
Helper Dummies[HDMY_Count];
word HLPR_Index_Compressed; word HPNT_IndexSize; char HPNT_Index[HPNT_IndexSize-2]; //Subtract the size char HDMY_Index[HLPR_Index_Uncompressed-HPNT_IndexSize]; //Rest of helper index deduced dword NumberMaterials; dword NumberSurfaces; dword NumberBones; dword SizeOfBoneIndex; byte Unknown; word Unknown; word Unknown; word Compressed; word Bone_Index_Reference[NumberBones-1]; word BoneIndexCompressed; char BoneIndex[SizeOfBoneIndex]; word CompressedSize;
Bones SUB CHUNK 1[NumberBones];
word CompressedSize;
Bones SUB CHUNK 2[NumberBones];
word CompressedSize;
Bones SUB CHUNK 3[NumberBones];
float Matrix[12]; //Transform Matrix
float Matrix[4]; //No Rotation long hierarchy;
float Matrix[13]; long hierarchy;
long Index; long Parent; long nChild; float Matrix[12];
float Matrix[12];
float Matrix[16];
dword Material_Index; char NullTerminatedString[x]; dword Padding; dword BASE_Texture_ID; //From Texture.big dword BUMPMAP_Texture_ID; //From Texture.big dword REFLECT_Texture_ID; //From Texture.big dword Unknown; dword Max_Texture_Layers; dword Glow_Strength; byte Unknown; byte Alpha_Enabled; byte Unknown; word Ignored; //For degenerate Tri's
dword Hierarchy; dword DestroyableMeshLevels; float floats[5]; dword nFaceVertexIndices; dword nFaceVertexIndices_BoneIndice; dword nVerts; dword nFaces; dword nSourceVerts; dword Unknown; dword Unknown; dword Unknown; struct structMTRLnFaceVertexIndices FaceIndices[nFaceVertexIndices]; struct structMTRLnFaceVertexIndicesBoneIndice Face_BoneIndices[nFaceVertexIndices_BoneIndice]; float floats[8]; dword sVert; dword padding; //Start of Mesh
Quick notes on sVert “Size Vertice Blocks”….
20 - 28byte float coords, bones, packed normals, s11e4 tu tv
6 - 28byte packed coords, bones, packed normals, s11e4 tu, tv, dword[2]
4 - 36byte float coords, float normals, float tu tv, dword meshlevel
22 - 36byte float coords, bones, packed normals, s11e4 tu,tv, dword[2]
4 - 12byte packed coords, packed normals, s11e4 tu tv
4 - 20byte packed coords, bones, packed normals, s11e4 tu tv
20 - 20byte float coords, packed normals, s11e4 tu tv
struct CLTH { //DWORD SubMesh_ClothCount; DWORD Cloth_ID; DWORD ??_ID; //possibly material ID DWORD sChunk; //Size of full clothing data DWORD Unknown5; DWORD sDistanceIndice; CLTH_Distance* DistanceIndice;//[sDistanceIndice/28]; //Distance between two particles float Unknown8; float Unknown9; float Unknown10; DWORD sParticleIndice; CLTH_Particle* ParticleIndice;//[sParticleIndice]; float* ParticleAlphaIndice;//[sParticleIndice]; //How "free" they are. 0.0 = Static and gets a duped entry in verts DWORD Unknown11; float WindStrength; //strength char EnableDragging; //enable char RotationalDragging; //rotational float StrengthDragging; //strength char EnableAcceleration; //enable float AccelerationDampening; //damping DWORD nTriIndice; CLTH_Tri* TriIndice;//[nTriIndice] Particles+"Unique" Verts DWORD Unknown12; // looks like padding it DWORD sTexIndice; CLTH_Tex* TexIndice;//[sTexIndice]; //v1 = Particle/"unique" Vert, v2 = TexIndice DWORD sVertexIndice; CLTH_Vertex* VertexIndice;//[sVertexIndice]; DWORD sTexCoordIndice; CLTH_TexCoord* TexCoordIndice;//[sTexCoordIndice]; DWORD sParticleMask; CLTH_PartMask* ParticleMask;//[sParticleMask]; //Unique Particles in TriIndice DWORD sVertMask; CLTH_VertMask* Vertmask;//[sVertMask]; //Unique Verts in TriIndice //9 bytes of padding // 1 group for particles, 1 for verts DWORD VGRPCount; // = Number of Bones VGRP** VGRPs; };